Raising Worms to Use as Live Fishing Bait | Uncle Jims Worm Farm

Raising Worms to Use as Live Fishing Bait

Fishing, Live Worms

Going on fishing trips can be quite exciting, especially if you’re very passionate about it. Take for example the people who make a living out of fishing, like Fishermen. These fishermen will always have their need for the right tools to get their daily catch. They will need their line, their hook, and of course, their fish bait. Now when it comes to any live fishing bait, the number one product that is used for this kind of activity are typically red wigglers or nightcrawlers. You won’t be surprised that many people are already raising worms so that they may be able to offer avid fishermen with their daily needs, for very affordable prices.

A Fisherman and a Worm Composter

Any one can actually go into nightcrawler or red worms composting, so why not fishermen too? You just have to imagine yourself as a fisherman, and picture how things should run for you. Since buying worms to use as bait can also be costly on your end (especially when the need to fish is done on a regular basis), it would also be a great idea to raise and breed your very own supply. In this way, not only will you be using your own produce, you can also be assured that the live bait worms that you’ll be using have also been raised well. So if you think both types of work are not in line, just remember that a fisherman can also be a worm composter. Being both will definitely help save you on your regular worm purchases in the long run.

Supplies and procedures that will be needed to help raise worms as fish bait

So how does one raise worms for fishing? Simple. All you’ll need are plastic containers (2 pieces) that have lids on them (like those large Rubbermaid types). Apart from that, also prepare a drill, a ¼” drill bit, some soil, old newspaper, organic scraps, and of course, your choice of worms. As soon as you’ve gathered all of these materials, start your worms bait project by looking for a location. You’ll be using this location (preferably one that has shade) for your worm bin set-up. Now when you’ve found a spot, start drilling holes on the container. You’ll need to use your ¼” drill bit for this to make several holes (with a distance of about 2 to 3 inches from each hole made) on the base and top area of the containers.

What to place inside a worm composter

When you’re done drilling some holes, proceed by putting in some soil, and some organic scraps into the worms fishing bait bin. Now you’re going to have these materials (your bedding materials should be moist but not soaking wet) mixed first before putting in your worms. When you’re done with your set-up, close the lid and wait a few more weeks for your worms to start settling in their new home. You should also add organic scraps to replenish their food and bedding supply once a week. Soon enough, you’ll be able to notice that your worm population has increased in number when they start to fill up your worm bait composter after some time.

When raising worms also bear into mind your preferred fishing worms. But if you want the real deal live fishing bait, then you might want to consider using the nightcrawler kind (you can find nightcrawlers for sale at worm farms online). This type of worm has been guaranteed to stay alive longer when submerged in water.

Uncle Jim’s recommends the European Nightcrawlers

Gardenworm’s Super Red Worms are very easy to raise, and breeds real fast. Not only does it grow to about 6 inches long, it’s also heat and cold resistant. You can place these European Nightcrawlers on your lawn or garden, and are also perfect as fish bait. Get your supply today!

To know more about the product, check the European Nightcrawlers here.

31 thoughts on “Raising Worms to Use as Live Fishing Bait

  1. I’m thinking about starting a bait bed for fishing . I know that I want hybrid red wigglers but that’s about all I know. I use about 4 cups of worms a week almost every week from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. How many worms do I need to start , how big does my bed need to be , how deep how much soil please help . Thanks in advance

      1. + I am trying to start my worms I was wondering about the same questions how deep how many and the food and all thank you for your help

  2. I am curious about the topic of raising worms for fishing. I live in SE Arkansas and use worms for fishing in Grand Lake and tributaries of the Mississippi River. Worms are my bait of choice but I cannot continue to spend over $100 on worms every month.

    1. I’m from Dumas but live in St. Louis now. Last year, I had a straw bale garden. Because of the daily watering in the straw bales, It was very attractive to red wigglers. I didn’t even have to add the worms to start. I could see the worms coming out of the bales at night. If you could catch them, there were plenty for fishing.

      This year, I started a compost pile to get rid of food scraps. I expect that I’ll have worms in that too. This spring, I plan on using those for fishing. Go Hogs!

  3. The article I read on building a bed said worms need to be 40 to 50 Deg I live in the South Ga. and even if you dig down a few feet under the shad trees the ground will sill be to hot. I f you use a box or refregurator How do you keep them from drowning? I build one with holes to let the water out and the worms left

    1. At depths of approx 4 feet temperatures range from 50-50 degrees Fahrenheit.

      This holds true no matter the air temperature above it.

      From what I’ve found for worm farms is to keep the temperature 50-70 degrees F. Above 70 the worms tend to die from the heat and the compost dries out faster.
      Below 50 they start to slow down and don’t reproduce but can withstand temperatures down to freezing for short periods.

  4. how to keep my worms alive —i am leaving on the 18 to go to fla. to fish for one mo. would like to receive my worms on the 167 th

  5. Good morning,

    Does anyone know how many earthworms I need average for one fishing day?

    Thank you very much for your answer.

  6. Hi wondering I have a manure pile horse and donkey poop and hay I notice during winter and spring when the pile is moist I have tons of worms. I am semi retired now and enjoy fishing so was thinking I am going to start putting a sprinkler on pile and adding some night crawlers and red worms should work right? Thinking just keeping pile moist and adding food scapes?

  7. I want to raise worms for fishing, I have plenty of space and containers. Have tried to keep the worms that I have bought- but they don’t do well. Yours raised to survive in non-refrigerator environment?

  8. Thanks for the tip to get nightcrawler kind of bait for live bait. I want to buy some live bait before I go fishing with my brother this weekend. I’ll look for a provider near me that can give me nightcrawler live bait.

  9. I have been growing big reds in my basement in central wi. floor tempature is steady 65 degrees
    I have alot os insects in my bedding ? What are they and do they harm the worms ?They grow like crazy feeding them corn meal and fruit such as banana’s I am wanting to put some into my garden next spring and still keep some for fishing . Thanks Dan

  10. I grow my own nightcrawlers and they do very well and they are large sized worm’s. I don’t have any special dirt just regular dirt I dug up from my back yard. I add food and cardboard and newspaper egg shells coffee grounds or tea ground’s. And they have thrived and multiplied quit well. I keep them in a large tote add water occasionally and I am proud of my worm’s like I said they are large and juicy. So basically what I am saying it’s easy to grow your own and nothing special is required as some of the other growers have made it seem. Get you a tote,dirt, scraps of food and find you some worm’s from the yard throw them in and watch them grow.

  11. Remember to not add meat products to the composting worm bed. This attracts critters. Only vegetable scraps and peels, bread, coffee grounds with the paper filter, etc.. Start a second container with soil and food scraps and when you have lots of worms in the first one transfer a portion of them into the second one and you’ll keep two containers going in case one suffers a traumatic ailment.

  12. I am looking into possible breeding of nightcrawlers for my nieces frog. what kind of cold temps can they handle, not sure i want them in my house? also is it possible for snakes to get into the container?

  13. I want to raise worms for fishing I need a list of things to get started
    Like what kind of soil that works out good.

  14. My family started a snack shack in our driveway since we live right next to a lake. Yesterday, a kid asked if we carry live bait. I’ll get started on a worm farm as soon as possible!

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