2000 Red Composting Worm Mix – Top Rated

Original price was: $84.95.Current price is: $64.95.

  • Top seller
  • Guaranteed live
  • Insect/mite free*
  • Instructions on how to add to lawn/garden/composters included
  • Perfect for vermicomposting
  • Excellent for trout fishing or as fish bait


Our top seller is your perfect solution for turning kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich soil! If you’re wondering where to find red worms for sale, Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm is the answer. Our worms are guaranteed to arrive alive and ready to get to work! 

Our red wigglers are live worms, only 1-3 inches long and thin as a pencil lead. But don’t let their size fool you – when they group together, they become a powerful force that can break down even the largest mountains of vegetable scraps. So, just let them do their thing – your garden will thank you!

When you buy worms from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm, you may receive several different compost worm species, including Eisenia fetida, eisenia hortensis, and Perionyx excavatus. But don’t be alarmed! A diverse range of worm species is actually superior because they work all layers of the compost, not just the top few inches. This means you’ll get a better compost faster and will have a constantly healthy compost bin.

The Power of Worm Castings for a Thriving Lawn and Garden

Why are worm castings such a great option for composting? Well, compared to average lawn soil, worm castings are: 

  • 7x richer in phosphates
  • 5x richer in nitrogen
  • 11x richer in potash

And the best part? This valuable substance is a result of your trash! Don’t supply local trash heaps with your waste; give it to the red wiggler worm instead! One man’s trash is a worm’s treasure.

Red worms are the best gardeners on the planet and will only help out your lawn, garden or both! Reduce waste, decrease the need for earth-destroying chemicals, and increase organic production all at the same time! Whether you’re keeping them indoors or in an outdoor compost bin, you just need to provide them with the right living conditions – they’ll do the rest.

Red Wigglers: The Secret to Lush, Healthy Soil

Red wigglers are a species of earthworms commonly used in vermicomposting. These live worms have a voracious appetite for organic matter, making them highly efficient at breaking down food waste, yard waste, and other types of organic material.

In short, red wigglers are the unsung heroes of composting. These earthworms are essential to creating high-quality compost to enrich your soil and nourish your plants. These are some benefits of using red worms for compost:

  • Efficient decomposition: Red wigglers are highly efficient at breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich compost. They can eat their weight in food each day, and their castings are packed with beneficial microorganisms that help plants grow.
  • Reducing waste: Vermicomposting with red wigglers is an eco-friendly way to reduce food waste. By diverting organic waste from landfills, you’re helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more sustainable future. Sa
    ve the Earth one worm at a time.
  • Cost-effective: Buying red wigglers is a cost-effective way to improve soil quality. Don’t money on chemical fertilizers – create your own nutrient-rich compost with the help of these live worms instead.
  • Easy to use: Red wigglers are low-maintenance and require minimal attention. As long as you provide them with a suitable environment (e.g. worm food and bedding moisture, etc.), they’ll happily go about their business of turning your organic waste into compost.

But don’t just take our word for it – check out the reviews tab to see what our satisfied customers have to say! We pride ourselves on providing top-quality worms and excellent customer service.

Start Your Composting Journey Today

Are you ready to start vermicomposting and transform your lawn or garden? Well, your Uncle Jim’s got red wigglers for sale and they’re calling out your name! If you’re a beginner, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with composting books that will teach you everything you need to know. So, get your worm mix today and watch your garden flourish! It’s a small step for you, but a giant step for your lawn.

SHIPPING – $10.50



  1.       I live in California, and you ship out of Pennsylvania. Will the worms survive in transit?

No worries! We ship nationwide with FedEx 2-day Express, so your worms will not be in transit for long. We ship out every Monday through Friday (Holidays may affect this). 99% of our orders reach their destination without fail. We ALWAYS guarantee a live delivery, so if there are any delays or other issues while in transit, we have you covered with a free reshipment of worms.

  1.       I live in the Northeast. Can I still compost during the winter?

Yes, you most certainly can. You can compost year-round as long as the soil can be maintained between 40 and 80 degrees. If you have an outdoor compost bin, you can insulate the bin with mulch, hay, Styrofoam, or anything that will retain heat. If you have a smaller bin, it is recommended to bring it indoors if possible. A garage or a basement will work perfectly.

  1.   I work during the day and will not be home to accept my package, is this ok?

Yes and no. Because the worms are a live product, if they are left in a mailbox or a parcel locker for too long, they will not survive. If you cannot be home to accept your worms, we recommend having them held at your local Post Office or delivered to your door. You can leave delivery instructions before placing your order.

  1.     How much Black Gold (Compost) will 1,000 composting worms create for me?

Our 1,000 count of Red composting worms can create between 8 and 16 ounces of compost per day!

But wait, there’s more! These worms double in population every three months, so as your worm population grows, the amount of Black Gold that they can create will grow as well. A year from introducing 1,000 composting worms into your bin, you should now have 16,000 composting worms, creating 8-16 pounds of compost daily!

If you start out with 5,000 composting worms, by the end of one year, you should have 80,000 composting worms outputting 40 to 80 pounds of compost per day.