Vermicomposting Supplies
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Vermicomposting with a Worm Blanket
Whether your vermicomposting bin is situated indoors or outdoors, you should consider adding a worm blanket. Even though most bins are already equipped with a lid, a worm blanket comes in handy. It helps maintain moisture, protects your worms from the elements, and keeps the bin dark. This article will help clarify any questions you […]
What is Hot Composting Versus Vermicomposting
Many vermicomposting enthusiasts know about a technique to break down organic waste to produce fertilizer without using worms: hot composting. Although both produce organic fertilizer, there are many differences. The type of bin, location of the bin, setup, and day-to-day feedings are not the same. Also, the resulting organic fertilizer from worms is different than […]
Now that the summer season is coming to a close, it’s time to prepare your outdoor vermicomposting bin for fall and winter. Despite the cold weather, you can continue composting and accumulating free natural organic fertilizer. Do you live in a warmer environment? If the temperature rarely drops below 57°F, your composting worms will slow […]
Is My Vermicomposting Bin Too Wet? What to Do?
When the smell coming from your vermicomposting bin is horrible, you know that something is wrong. With dread, your worst fears are realized when you look inside: the bin is wet. That does not bode well. Moisture levels are critical for your composting worms’ health. If it’s too wet inside, your worms can get sick. […]
In the hot summer weather, your composting worms are at risk of getting overheated and dried out. They may even die. That’s because worms are unable to sweat. Outdoors in nature, worms beat the heat by burrowing deep into the soil. But your composting worms don’t have that option. They live in an artificial environment, […]
You just booked your hotel and flight for a long-anticipated vacation. Suddenly, the thought hits: “What should I do about my composting worms during my vacation?” You never left them alone for that long. Don’t worry. This article will guide you on how to prepare your vermicomposting worms while you’re out of town. Getting Your […]
Vermicomposting worms follow a similar life cycle pattern as humans: birth, growth, procreation, and death. In this article, we examine the life cycle of the popular earthworm: Red Wigglers, the Kings of Vermicomposting. These worms are distinctly different from humans when it comes to reproduction. For example, there are no “boy” red worms or “girl” […]
How do vermicomposting worms breathe in their bins? Why do their skins need moisture? How can we make the most of their environment to keep it airy and moist enough for them? Unlike humans, composting worms don’t have noses and mouths to inhale air. Nor do they have lungs. Yet, they do breathe. In fact, […]
Spring is the perfect time to prepare your vermicomposting worms for the upcoming warmer weather. You need to make sure the worms are breaking down accumulated scraps. When do you need to add fresh adult worms to speed things along? When should you harvest the worm castings, and how? How do you use organic compost? […]
What is the best bedding for your composting worms? At Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm, we want you to enjoy your vermicomposting experience. For that reason, we recommend Red Worms. They’re the best worms for composting. That’s because these worms love devouring kitchen scraps. In return, they produce humus, the prized organic fertilizer perfect for gardens. […]