10 Economical Garden Vegetables - Uncle Jim's Worm Farm

10 Economical Garden Vegetables

Live Worms

Economic Garden VegetablesWhen it comes to garden growing, there are loads of variables to be considered. One of these variables that growers occasionally stress over is economics. Is all of the hard work and time put into growing a plentiful garden going to pay off when harvest season rolls around? Will the expenditures involved in home gardening exceed the typical prices of fresh produce at the grocery store? These are great questions to ask yourself at the beginning of each year as you make preparations for your new crop.

To help you make the most of your gardening experience, Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm would like to recommend some of the most economical vegetables to grow at home. These veggies are especially economical for small gardens. The following results are based on yield/sq. ft., retail value/lb, and growing time.

10 Economical Garden Vegetables

  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Edible-Pod Peas
  • Green Bunching Onions
  • Leaf Lettuce
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Snap Beans
  • Summer Squash
Bonus: Swiss Chard
Are there any vegetables on that list that you are particularly fond of? Obviously, gardeners should have the produce that they like to eat at the top of their lists, but it’s always good to try new varieties. Growing the same exact variety of vegetable year after year can lead to pest problems and lower yields. Crop rotation is a practice used by farmers all over the world to keep their yields high. The same principle should also be applied to home gardening. Good compost will greatly enhance the abundance, size and flavor of your favorite vegetables. Just something else to consider.
A little bit of research regarding climate and pests or insects will help you determine which varieties are most suitable for your area.
Not only is gardening a fun hobby for many gardeners, but these vegetables will lower your grocery bill and encourage you to try new recipes and eat healthier! Moreover, spending a little time each day in the garden can save you more money than you ever dreamed in the long run.
What are your personal opinions on the economics of home gardening? Are there other benefits that make it rewarding to you or your family? Looking forward to reading your comments!

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