Tips and tricks - Uncle Jim's Worm Farm

Tips and tricks

There are many ways to promote Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm.  Some of the things that we would like to recommend include:

  1. Pointing out that he was seen on Oprah.  This not only adds credibility, but also reminds viewers that watch the show where they have seen it before.  Please just make sure you do not say Oprah endorses the products, etc…
  2. Talk about the types of worms.  There is a large search volume for the types of worms that Uncle Jim farms.  By talking about them and their benefits, you may be able to bring in traffic and then generate the sale.
  3. Write articles about composting and how it can be eco friendly.  You can also talk about indoor composting vs. outdoor composting and how worms can help with this process.
  4. Cost and time saving benefits for Fishermen.  Not only can you order in bulk from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm, but if you begin farming your own with an Uncle Jim’s Worm Farming kit, think of all of the money you’ll save on bait and if you like to catch your own instead of buying it from a store, the time you’ll save.
  5. Uncle Jim’s also sells educational worm farm kits.  These are not only perfect to teach kids how worms help the earth, but they are fun and great for learning.  Promote it to teachers to buy for their classrooms or to parents who just want a fun and educational gift for their kids.