Easy to Use Kitchen Compost Collector: The product is perfect for composting enthusiasts and activists. The thick charcoal filter (included) will keep your kitchen scraps ordorless. This model is perfect for under the sink storage!
Expect the filter to last for 3-4 months. This compost pail is a handy, portable compost carrier and perfect for short term storage of kitchen compost that was designed with home composting programs in mind. A special feature on this container is the carbon filter, which helps to eliminate odors caused by composting materials. With its wide opening it is easy to clean off dishes directly into the container. All of the corners and edges are rounded so that it is simple to clean and empty, in addition to being dishwasher safe. The Kitchen Compost Carrier can also hang on a wall or cupboard door by way of two cut outs in the back
Capacity: 2.4 US Gallons (9.6 Quarts / 9.1 Liters)
Dimensions: 8.5”L x 9”W x 11”H
Weight: 1.4 lbs (0.6 kgs)
Material: High Density Polyethylene