Composting for a New Generation


Whether you garden on a small city lot or on a large country property, Composting for a New Generation covers everything you need to know to make great compost quickly.




From the Publisher

Spring Summer Fall Winter
Gather remaining brown leaves in your yard to add to the pile. Bury food scraps under leaves. Gather falling leaves for compost. Construct extra leaf bins or piles if needed. The pile goes dormant.
Aerate compost at least monthly. Aerate compost at least monthly. Aerate compost at least monthly. Do not aerate or turn.
Harvest in late spring if you need compost for starting seeds or new beds. Find alternative sources of carbon-rich brown material if your leaves run out. Shredded newspaper or cardboard work well. Harvest compost to make room for the buildup of winter materials. Continue adding food scraps and burying them under leaves.
Ensure that spring rains do not overwater the compost pile. Water the pile if hot weather dries it out. Add old plant trimmings to the pile. Insulate the pile if you desire an active pile throughout the winter.
Add spring weeds, old potting soil, and last year’s plants to the pile. Grasscycle (see Chapter 6) when possible, or add your cut grass to your compost. Visit your local coffee shop and ask for their spent coffee grounds to incorporate into your leaf piles. Chop material into smaller pieces to allow for easier decomposition.
Start a hot composting pile if you need finished compost in a hurry. Turn or mix materials in the pile at least once over the summer. Consider not adding food scraps for a few weeks before harvesting compost. Place them in the freezer and add them to your bin after harvest. Enjoy a nice mug of hot cocoa