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Being prepared for tough economic times seems like a popular topic these days. One of the concerns a lot of people have is food prices and availability. What happens before every hurricane, earthquake and tornado warning? People flood the grocery stores and buy up all the food. Shelves can remain empty for weeks until new […]
What many of us in Canada and the U.S. think as inedible is actually part of daily life in other countries around the world. One of those “delicacies” is the worm. It’s called Entomophagy! Can You Really Eat Worms? As a company that specializes in vermiculture, we often get asked, “Can you eat worms”? The […]
“Um, you want delicious mealworms? GROSS!” Not so fast, sonny. By no means am I seeking to eat mealworms for myself (although, many people from around the world do consume mealworms for their protein, and because of how easy they are to raise), but instead, to feed some hungry pets. Mealworms are high in protein, […]
Harvesting Your Mealworms
Raising mealworms is a delicate balancing act; the longer you feed them, the larger they will become. But, if you feed them for too long, then they will transform into the pupa phase, then into the darkling beetle. So this fight against time maybe be a little emotionally corrosive, however, corralling the appropriate balance will […]
Benefits of mealworm feeding
The benefits of mealworms are undeniable. They are high in protein, making an excellent feed for your favorite, neighborly blue birds, or serving the appetites of those exotic reptiles that lounge by the heat rock in their terrarium. Mealworms are easy to find, as most pet stores will offer them, or you can order mealworms […]
Mealworms: The Circle of Life!
You’re probably considering mealworms if you are reading through this article, which isn’t too surprising, considering their nutritional value. They provide a high portion of necessary protein for growing reptiles and birds. They also offer fat and potassium to the scaley consumers, which helps create an internally content pet. And not only beneficial for […]
James Shaw, founder and owner of Uncle Jims Worm Farm, has been in the industry of worm farming for about four decades now. Uncle Jim’s specializes in breeding and raising Red Wiggler worms (also known as composting worms). But is also in the business of selling other worm species and supplies. A company that is […]
No, red worms do not have eyes. They are very sensitive to bright light. They will try to hide as soon as exposed. Where is the mouth? The worms mouth is in the first anterior segment. There is a small protruding lip just over the mouth, called prostomium. When the worm is foraging, this lip […]