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Using Eggshells in Vermicomposting
Aside from selected organic kitchen scraps and garden wastes, crushed eggshells also play a vital role when it comes to worm composting. Not only can it be used as food for your compost pals, it can also be included as an added material for your worm bins bedding. You can learn a lot more from […]
Composting Education for Future Generations
While composting is definitely picking up steam as a household practice, it’s far from being the norm than the anomaly. That being said, to keep the momentum building, we need to turn to our next generation’s attention to compost as a part of their daily lives. The DailyIowan recently reported such a plan, by Scott […]
Finally, the weather has started to warm and the ground is thawing. Soon, buds will be popping out on trees and flowers blossoms will be bursting forth. Is your yard ready for the explosions of spring? Take the following quiz to be sure you’re ready to enjoy the spring. Have you prepped your yard for […]
You’ve heard about red wiggler worms in your compost research, but is there really a difference between this large, red-colored worm variety and the typical garden worm you may find as you turn over your garden soil? Wouldn’t is just be easy to dig up those worms and use them in your bin to make […]
In these last few days of March, there are still alot of signs of winter left in the yard. Still hard soil, little grass and only buds on trees and plants. This is the time, however, to take stock of what your yard will need to brighten up for the warmer weather. Even if the ground […]
Finally. The birds are singing again, the air is warmer and fragrant with the smells of flowers and new grass. Spring is here. All your patience and diligence during the winter means that you can now get back outside with your worms and begin cultivating your compost! As the world wakes up again along with […]
Weekends are a time to relax and enjoy your family and friends and this even means the red wiggler worms in your compost bin. Your worms have spent a few months in the colder climates, so they need a little TLC about now. The question is, how do you show your worms you need them […]
You’ve started composting with red wiggler worms, which, by the way, are the very best little natural farmers on the planet. They eat the residual organic materials and from it make the loamy, nutrient-enriched compost that can be used in yards, gardens and lawns to replenish and rebuild their natural strengths and beauty. Residing in […]
Updated: 27 May 2022 Worm Bin DIY Project – Start with the Basics We all want to do our part to recycle and be more environmentally conscious, but have you ever considered doing more than just sorting your trash? Kitchen scraps and other organic materials you would ordinarily consider waste can be put to good […]
When it comes to a Can-O-Worms, how do you maintain such a Worm Bin for vermicomposting purposes? Just like any worm composter, it will always need some care and upkeep. Not only will bacteria, fungi, insects and other microorganisms be present in the system, there will be worms to your care as well. These worms […]